Prime Day 2023

Last updated on 07/28/2023

Good evening everyone!

It’s Prime Day and I’m a little late to the show, but wanted to share a couple of interesting finds!

Disclaimer: I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

First, “That Purple Thang”. A fantastic tool for assisting with handling your fabric. It’s not just limited to poking seams! Currently, there’s a great deal for the two-piece set ranging from $4.79 – $5.99.

Click the image to check it out!

“Dabline” 13 Piece Quilting Template Set (plus gloves!) Seems perfect for free-motion quilting! Currently at $29.59

If you have a smaller area for pressing, the wool MOHOM 17″x13.5″ may fit your needs. No pun intended! It’s currently $14.39!

Speaking of pressing, if you don’t want to fire up your iron you may be able to press the seams with the SAVINA Quilting Seam Roller. Currently on sale for $8.76!

For anyone looking to make circles ranging from 3″ – 13″ diameter you can grab this adjustable HKKYO circle cutter for $10.16!

If you’re just starting out like me and run into instances where you need to rip some seams, or are already an experienced seam ripper, you can snag a pack of 2 small seam rippers, two big seam rippers, and a thread snipper from Ortarco for $4.79!

With some of my recent explorative projects, I found myself needing to trace templates. I’m sure this will be a common occurrence in the future and came across a set of 5 color fabric marking pends by NOTIONLAND. They’re water erasable or automatically fade after a week or two depending on the color. I’ve only used heat erasable before but I’m going to snag these for $6.39!

Hope these recommendations help you! I was sure happy browsing the sales!

Thanks for reading!

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